Marine Technology Inc continues to get great coverage from Speed on the Water (SOTW), this time, capturing an impressive MTI-V 42 duo in the Florida Keys, during the MTI Fun Run. The image, captured by Pete Boden, was featured as the Image of the Week with a notable write-up (below) from Matt Trulio and Jason Johnson.

You could make a strong case for the MTI-V 42 being the most stylistically distinctive high-performance center console on the market today and we wouldn’t argue with you. Anyone confusing it with another builder’s offering—and there are many fine choices out there—hasn’t been paying much attention to the custom go-fast center console segment.

On assignment this weekend covering the MTI Owners Fun Run in the Florida Keys, chief photographer Pete Boden captured this shot of two MTI-V 42 center consoles taking a break from the action. The photo reminded us of what a striking beauty the 42-footer from the Wentzville, Mo., high-performance catamaran and center console builder really is.

Of course, there were plenty of white-hot MTI catamarans involved in the four-day fun run. More on the event, check out the full story that was featured live on

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