We have very exciting news here at MTI! Our third model in the outboard-powered catamaran line-up is set to make a debut early 2023. The MTI 440x will be the largest of our outboard fleet. Continue reading for a look inside the cockpit and other details!
Come early 2023, Marine Technology Inc. is going to have its third new-model outboard-powered catamaran on the water. According to Randy Scism, owner and founder of the Wentzville, Mo., company, MTI is currently producing its first 44-foot cat, which features all new tooling and molds for the hull and deck.
“We’re very excited to announce our newest model and we know our customers are excited to see something new from us,” Scism said. “Our clients always drive our next project and this boat was no different. It’s how we continue to move forward. We started talking about the idea a couple of years ago—not long after we introduced the 390X. We’ve gone through the design phases and the tooling phases and we’re finally ready to let people know that the boat is coming.
“We believe this new 44-footer gives our customers something to step up to as they go from a 34 to a 39 to a 44,” he continued, referring to MTI’s widely popular 340X and 390X models that were introduced in 2016 and 2019, respectively. “We’re always working on something new, so if we can come out with another cat that runs well and that we think our clients will enjoy, we’re going to do just that.”
Scism said he’s expecting to have the company demo boat done early next year, hopefully to debut at the Miami International Boat Show in February, if not soon thereafter. He also said that MTI has eight of the boats on order and that the 44-footers will have a larger cockpit to better accommodate the eight-seat layout MTI perfected in its 390X.
“Our motivation for the 440X was simple,” Scism explained. “Everywhere we boat, it’s getting busier and busier, which means it’s getting rougher, and the rougher it gets the more size matters in a boat. This boat is going to open up a whole new world for some of our customers.
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Original article published on speedonthewater.com